2. Come In, Leave Happy 

3. Conquer Your Day  

Be the first to know and access new offerings, promotions and secret menu.

Our Founder

Amanda Shaffer


Wife, Mom of 4 (8 and younger), Stylist of 20 years, and Salon Owner for 10 years, Amanda has a passion for helping people find their stride in life with their best look. 

A recent breast cancer survivor, Amanda, believes God gave her a chance to make an impact on people. She's on a mission to help men and women get their power back when it comes to their looks.

Quality Guarantee 


Love it, or we make it right.  

Education Focused

80+ hrs annually

spent educating our team 

Consultation Processes 


Men + women per month helped with their image 

High-End Products + Services 


Luxury meets approachability 

Premium Full Service Salon + Pop Up Beauty Training Studio 

We've spent hours working on Our quality + Skills.  We can't wait to serve you! 

Hautedry Salon 
​La Beaute' Market 

​(Our newest event + trainings market)